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30 October 2017


Why Study Animal Welfare?

Animal welfare is continuously under discussion in many countries across the globe. From agricultural practices to how domestic pets are treated, and from captive zoo animals to hunting wild animals. There are always ongoing campaigns, services that deal with animal welfare, changing laws and changing attitudes towards animals.

This is related to one main aspect; the study of animal welfare. With the study of animal welfare, we have gained an understanding of the psychological and mental state of animals. We know now that animals are sentient beings, like ourselves, who feel pain and distress. If they are unable to express natural behaviours they begin to suffer, and if they are restricted to small, baron captive environments then they not only suffer physically, but also mentally. It is the ongoing study of animal welfare which has assisted us in learning these facts.



How to Grow a Gardening Business?

No matter what you choose to start with, remember, the modern world is continually changing. Whatever business you start today, it is unlikely to be the same in five years time. If you want to keep a business viable, you must keep up to date. You must know about and embrace new technology, and new techniques, and adapt whenever it becomes appropriate.

This does NOT mean that you must purchase new equipment every time something better comes onto the market. It does mean that you need to change the way you do things before your competitors get a significant advantage over you.

e.g. If everyone else in a lawn mowing business

uses modern mowers that mow faster, better, and never break down, while you still use out of date equipment, your business will slowly but surely, suffer.

Before contemplating starting up a business, it may be in your interest to speak to an accountant, preferably one that has had a few landscaper clients. Without divulging private details of their clients, an accountant may be able to direct you in how to set up correctly, save money and run more efficiently. Remembering that the accountant actually does not have the landscape expertise, they can however offer sound money management expertise. Keep reading...


Becoming an affiliate with ACS- Premium affiliation

Did you know that we have packages that enables people to start their own business by licensing our courses and starting their own school? The Premium Affiliates License is the best way to fast track a business. This is a package that is a great way to start a new business or add value to an existing business.

What do you get?
• Template Web Site

• Online Delivery System
• An online affiliates room 
• Access to an online repository of all courses and books
• Support from ACS staff in both the UK and Australia, through out affiliates manager.


Learn more here.


A Student's view - Why Jill studied Life Coaching and what she would like to do now?

Jill Brown is a student with ACS Distance Education, studying Life Coaching. Here Jill tells us a bit more about why she studied the course and what she would like to do now.


“I was a driving instructor for over 20 years, during that time I not only taught people to drive, I helped many people with the emotional side of passing a driving test. Life coaching was unheard of at that time, people came to me to learn to drive for many reasons beyond the desire to drive a car, together we worked on many aspects of their life, I know I didn't fit the normal driving instructor guise, but it was needed and I always had a waiting list, yet never advertised, I loved sharing the joy people felt when they achieved their goal, also they told me how I had an impact on their lives. Read more about Jill's story...


Cut Flower Production Course

A viable farm may be as small as a hundred square metres, or as large as many dozens of acres. Everybody loves flowers.

• Start a part time venture to supplement your income

• Stay small or grow into a big business

• Train as a commercial cut flower grower 
• Learn to identify and select crops to grow 
• Learn to manage the growth rate, health, harvesting and marketing of a crop 
• Explore the business potential that exists in virtually every corner of the world.

Learn more...


Psychology Special Offers- Last Days


Our psychology courses that are offered on a special price are available until close of business on 31 October.


Take a look at the special offers here.


Who can become a counsellor?

Anyone who is good at listening and has a passion for the welfare of others can become a counsellor.
Counsellors come from a wide range of fields. Some have a background in caring professions such as aged care or nursing, but others move into counselling from unrelated fields like retail or manufacturing.

What do counsellors do?
Counsellors help people to overcome problems so that they can lead healthier happier lives. They do this by developing a trusting relationship with their clients through listening non-judgementally to their stories. Counsellors enable their clients to explore their issues and come up with their own solutions.
Some things counsellors deal with include relationship problems, stress, life crises, drug and alcohol problems, anger and emotional difficulties, trauma, and mild forms of anxiety and depression.


How do people become counsellors? read more


Principles of good calf rearing

Calf rearing is central in both beef and dairy cattle production.

In beef herds, the cow calves and then rears her calf for 6-7 months until it is weaned. She will feed it and keep it out of trouble. The milk is clean and at the correct temperature. Read more here.


Cattle Breeds ebook

The Cattle Breeds ebook is a comprehensive guide to the different varieties of cattle. This 71 page ebook includes descriptions of the ideal uses for each breed and the origin. 

Cow breeds can be broken up into four purpose types: Beef (meat), Dairy, Draft, and Multi-Purpose (Beef-Draft, Dairy-Draft, Beef-Dairy and Beef-Dairy-Draft). Take a look.
