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Hi ##NAME## 

My kids have returned to school so this past week I have been trying to get back into my regular routine around home and on the blog.

I'm very sorry I just realised that I didn't send last weeks newsletter, so this issue is jammed packed with some great posts to catch up with from the blog. 

I have also included some back to school posts that may help you prepare the pantry for lunchbox food or the freezer with lunchbox snacks and other ideas.

I hope you all enjoy your day and have a great week.


Please hover your mouse over the underlined words, click these words to find more details about the post.

It was hard to put this video together, however I wanted to share with you the emotions behind taking the first step to declutter mums home.  Mum was a hoarder and we didn't realise the extent until we started to open boxes.

I found 10 ideas on how to stress less, however I was able to adapt some of them to help me through the grieving process.

This is the one of the most simplest, super easy birthday cake that everybody will enjoy.

5 easy tips for a successful garage sale

Creating an organisation station for a large family, school bags & chores

Picture Frames and Bag Rack

Storing and organising your digital photos

Great before and after photos with tips to declutter and organise your office desk.

How to stay organised when your husband travels away

Some very helpful tips on organising your carry on luggage when travelling with children.




Grammar Posters

Help the kids to understand the meaning of adjectives, verbs, nouns and more


Boot Shapers

lego storage brick

Stair Basket


The Organised Housewife
Po Box 630, Helensvale QLD 4211
copyright (c) 2012, The Organised Housewife, All rights reserved